visited this project
5 years ago
We are a Technology Solutions provider with a suite of products supporting business currently centered mostly around restaurants and restaurant chains however our product use case is not limited to only that industry.
  • Design Brief5 years ago
    Logo Name:
    Company Intro:
    We are a Technology Solutions provider with a suite of products supporting business currently centered mostly around restaurants and restaurant chains however our product use case is not limited to only that industry.
    We are looking for assistance in tweaking and updating our logos for our suite of products. We have created logos for all of the products however we need help in tweaking them so that they are unique in that we can copyright them. They were created initially as a proof of concept utilizing some icons that we purchased. However we do not have the rights to utilize these exact icons as a part of our logos so we need help tweaking what we have so that they are unique and able to be copyrighted by us. We also need the Logos to work well together as this is our suite of product offerings, however each logo needs to look good and stand on its own as well. The UBIR portion currently functions like our "Company" logo and is incorporated into each Product. And we also like the font of the letters we are currently using for the products themselves (POS, Serve, Wifi, etc). That font is called Millennia however we are open to seeing what you can come up with as a consistent "Style" for the suite of products. The Image/icon portion of logos is where we really need help. We like what we have conceptually but again cannot use as is. This is just what we came up with and were happy with the concept. Brief description of products: UBIR Data - Data integration engine (Piecing the data puzzle pieces together) UBIR POS - E-commerce Menu/Order/Pay solution using customer phone UBIR Print - Kitchen/Receipt Print routing engine (Was only able to UBIR Serve - Restaurant UBIR Survey - Customer Survey solution for businesses UBIR Wifi - Guest Wifi solution for businesses

    Reference Samples:

  • C
    Client751415 years ago
    Make sure to focus and include the product in the design submission not just UBIR.
  • jaize is selected as the contest finalist!5 years ago
  • aganpiki is selected as the contest finalist!5 years ago
  • qqdesigns is selected as the contest finalist!5 years ago
  • C
    Client751415 years ago
    Couple of things regarding finalist revisions. We plan to award to one individual the $500 and would be all 6 product designs. This means that the final awarded "logo" will include all 6 products in the deliverable. The logo should be flat with no 3D or shading. The Font size of the Product should be larger than the UBIR. The font size of the UBIR and Products should also be consistent across all products. We want to stick with the UBIR blue as basis "Blue" color for the logos (Hex code#083658). Wifi accent color needs to be orange (#ef5a28). POS (#1b75bb). Survey (#006501). Data (#be1e2d). Print (#662d91). Serve accent can be a new color that works with the rest or can be old one (#6d0f14).
  • C
    Client751415 years ago
    Also make sure the Product related images have a consistent feel across all products.
  • C
    Client751415 years ago
    A couple Product related observations. Print - image should envoke receipt printer not larger format printer capability POS - Should be phone/app related. Think mobile order Serve - Waiter related but Waiter not too Fancy/Formal Survey - we like the star rating selecting Data - Puzzle pieces connecting data Wifi - wifi signal or something like that
  • Design Concepts Completed5 years ago

    Open design concept stage had ended with 143 submissions from 22 designers. Go to DESIGNS tab to view all submissions.

    #194 by jaize
    #185 by qqdesigns
    #105 by gateout
    #104 by bougalla005
    #94 by puthreeone
    #90 by KaySa
    #57 by Kanya
    #45 by serprimero
    #44 by Greenlight
    #43 by AamirKhan
    #33 by bluespix
    #26 by GassPoll
    #24 by Garmos
    #19 by hidro
    #18 by BintangDesign
    #15 by grafisart2
    #14 by muda_belia
    #11 by p0peye
    #10 by changcut
    #9 by aflah
    #6 by pambudi
    #1 by wa_2
    ALL 143 Designs >
  • Design #194 by jaize is declared WINNER!5 years ago
    #194 by jaize