
visited this project
5 years ago
We will soon be selling bars of soap that elicit a meditative experience in the shower but are not limiting ourselves to soap and the shower experience. The following is our current story and purpose: "The stories we tell ourselves in every moment of everyday exponentially effect our emotions, experiences, and ultimately the quality of our lives. We’ve come to realize that when you take the time to be present & aware of what you are thinking, feeling emotionally, and feeling physically, you are on the path to aligning with the true essence of your being. That’s why we set out to spark the awareness of the intrinsic love we all have for ourselves through day to day experiences."
  • Design Brief5 years ago
    Logo Name
    Company Intro
    We will soon be selling bars of soap that elicit a meditative experience in the shower but are not limiting ourselves to soap and the shower experience. The following is our current story and purpose: "The stories we tell ourselves in every moment of everyday exponentially effect our emotions, experiences, and ultimately the quality of our lives. We’ve come to realize that when you take the time to be present & aware of what you are thinking, feeling emotionally, and feeling physically, you are on the path to aligning with the true essence of your being. That’s why we set out to spark the awareness of the intrinsic love we all have for ourselves through day to day experiences."
    I am looking to have a new version of the sketched logo attached in the same style as the "logo style" file. I want to have it it in a gradient rounded background. I prefer to have the gradient be the colors in the 3rd file attached called "Waio Colors". I would like the logo icon in black and in white and have a version in both colors with and without the "waio" between the hands.
  • agus is selected as the contest finalist!5 years ago
  • yunda is selected as the contest finalist!5 years ago
  • zinnia is selected as the contest finalist!5 years ago
  • Design Concepts Completed5 years ago

    Open design concept stage had ended with 116 submissions from 33 designers. Go to DESIGNS tab to view all submissions.

    #116 by yunda
    #110 by zinnia
    #107 by agus
    #95 by MUSANG
    #76 by ekitessar
    #62 by Panara
    #56 by zonpipo1
    #54 by LogoInvent
    #53 by dgawand
    #52 by CreativeKiller
    #49 by bricton
    #46 by sunny070
    #45 by jaize
    #43 by KDesigns
    #42 by Kirito
    #41 by Gwerth
    #35 by dibyo
    #30 by AamirKhan
    #28 by bombers
    #27 by changcut
    #26 by Avro
    #24 by nurul_rizkon
    #22 by wisang_geni
    #20 by CreativeMania
    #19 by Sofia Shakir
    #18 by y7ce
    #15 by PrimalGraphics
    #13 by p0peye
    #11 by Galfine
    #10 by rief
    #8 by andriandesain
    #4 by GemahRipah
    #3 by Greenlight
    ALL 116 Designs >
  • Design #102 by agus is declared WINNER!5 years ago
    #102 by agus