Volk Virtual or Virtual by Volk

visited this project
4 years ago
We need a logo designed for a new product. We are the leading manufacturer of Ophthalmic lenses (refer: volk.com). Our devices help in examining the eye and are used by doctors worldwide. Our company's mission is 'To eradicate preventable blindness through accessible imaging of the eye' and we strive every day to design products that achieve this goal. We also make portable, affordable cameras that can take a digital picture of the back of your eye, this takes vision care and screening to remote places and populations. This kind of accessible care is a game-changer for those populations who cannot physically go see an eye doctor. These devices are also easy to use so that non-medical staff can carry out eye examinations. We are now taking this model one step farther with our new product, a software telemedicine solution called 'Volk Virtual' or 'Virtual by Volk'. This new product is a secure telemedicine platform that can wirelessly transfer these medical images from our portable cameras and allows doctors to remotely read and diagnose patients images. This way a doctor could be screening a patient on the other side of the world, saving time, logistics, and providing timely sight saving care. I am also attaching Volk's brand guidelines to help us along and some inspiration from previous logos. Volk's brand is elegant, sleek, clean lines that convey our clarity and sharp vision. We always try to incorporate aspects of our devices into the design be it a physical attribute, impact, or connectivity.
  • Design Brief4 years ago
    Logo Name:
    Volk Virtual or Virtual by Volk
    Company Intro:
    We need a logo designed for a new product. We are the leading manufacturer of Ophthalmic lenses (refer: volk.com). Our devices help in examining the eye and are used by doctors worldwide. Our company's mission is 'To eradicate preventable blindness through accessible imaging of the eye' and we strive every day to design products that achieve this goal. We also make portable, affordable cameras that can take a digital picture of the back of your eye, this takes vision care and screening to remote places and populations. This kind of accessible care is a game-changer for those populations who cannot physically go see an eye doctor. These devices are also easy to use so that non-medical staff can carry out eye examinations. We are now taking this model one step farther with our new product, a software telemedicine solution called 'Volk Virtual' or 'Virtual by Volk'. This new product is a secure telemedicine platform that can wirelessly transfer these medical images from our portable cameras and allows doctors to remotely read and diagnose patients images. This way a doctor could be screening a patient on the other side of the world, saving time, logistics, and providing timely sight saving care. I am also attaching Volk's brand guidelines to help us along and some inspiration from previous logos. Volk's brand is elegant, sleek, clean lines that convey our clarity and sharp vision. We always try to incorporate aspects of our devices into the design be it a physical attribute, impact, or connectivity.
    Its a connected, accessible portal that allows eye screening. Please avoid the use of 'wi-fi' like symbols and elements, they are over-used and too done already

    Reference Samples:

  • Design Concepts Completed4 years ago

    Open design concept stage had ended with 73 submissions from 26 designers. Go to DESIGNS tab to view all submissions.

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