Vtri Designs

visited this project
4 years ago
Physical Product Design of mostly consumer products in various industries
  • Design Brief4 years ago
    Logo Name:
    Vtri Designs
    Company Intro:
    Physical Product Design of mostly consumer products in various industries
    I'd prefer it to look crisp, clean, and classy. Not too minimalist or too "dense", somewhere in-between. I do usually prefer a majority of sharp edges. The first attached image is my logo for my other trade name, Vtri Avail. Would need to be different than that... but could be useful to understand my taste. I'm into trees, mountains, birds/bird wings, and am open to different colors if you think something will work but my main preference is white/silver/black/turqoise. If you do want to play with more colors, go big/bold and try a bunch of colors from the rainbow.

    Reference Samples:

  • C
    Client768214 years ago
    Feel free to ask questions, I should be back to check in at least once a day.
  • C
    Client768214 years ago

    $5 participation tip awarded to #240 by luckyprasetyo

  • C
    Client768214 years ago

    $5 participation tip awarded to #169 by luckyprasetyo

  • C
    Client768214 years ago

    $5 participation tip awarded to #165 by luckyprasetyo

  • C
    Client768214 years ago

    $5 participation tip awarded to #112 by luckyprasetyo

  • C
    Client768214 years ago

    $10 participation tip awarded to #244 by done

  • C
    Client768214 years ago

    $10 participation tip awarded to #189 by done

  • Design Concepts Completed4 years ago

    Open design concept stage had ended with 297 submissions from 68 designers. Go to DESIGNS tab to view all submissions.

    #311 by Greenlight
    #310 by Kanya
    #308 by aRBy
    #301 by Danny19
    #300 by mutafailan
    #295 by torresace
    #294 by JessicaLopes
    #293 by MarkindDesign
    #290 by jaize
    #288 by cintoko
    #285 by KaySa
    #280 by AamirKhan
    #279 by PRN123
    #277 by kunejo
    #276 by Marianne
    #272 by M J
    #271 by ekitessar
    #270 by luckyprasetyo
    #269 by SOLARFLARE
    #267 by sabyan
    #259 by cahyobragas
    #253 by NadeIlakes
    #252 by sodimejo
    #248 by MagnetDesign
    #245 by Asyraf48
    #244 by done
    #226 by ramapea
    #223 by grafisart2
    #219 by Zeratu
    #214 by bougalla005
    #203 by sanu
    #200 by y7ce
    #197 by AB212
    #194 by vostre
    #191 by drifelm
    #188 by ian69
    #185 by puthreeone
    #184 by HHENDY
    #181 by 3Dlogos
    #174 by falah 7097
    #167 by dasigns
    #164 by yans
    #160 by protein
    #159 by bomie
    #157 by abss
    #151 by santrie
    #144 by Foxcody
    #141 by up2date
    #94 by axel182
    #91 by cikiyunn
    #90 by Msinur
    #87 by MonkDesign
    #82 by hoqi
    #81 by wildbrain
    #65 by ageseulopi
    #56 by Sheilla
    #53 by hidro
    #52 by pel4ngi
    #51 by nurul_rizkon
    #43 by haidar
    #40 by Coolwanz
    #31 by novilla
    #24 by goblin
    #19 by Barkah
    #18 by RIANW
    #15 by treemouse
    #9 by salis17
    #2 by sheilavalencia
    ALL 297 Designs >
  • Design #218 by Zeratu is declared WINNER!4 years ago
    #218 by Zeratu
  • C
    Client768214 years ago

    $10 participation tip awarded to #135 by Foxcody

  • C
    Client768214 years ago

    $10 participation tip awarded to #46 by Sheilla