Transform Your Chaos

visited this project
4 years ago
This is an online course that helps people who feel overwhelmed and unsatisfied to find their purpose, re-design their life, increase their capacity, and become more fulfilled.
Logo DesignCUSTOMConsultingFeatured
  • Design Brief4 years ago
    Logo Name:
    Transform Your Chaos
    Company Intro:
    This is an online course that helps people who feel overwhelmed and unsatisfied to find their purpose, re-design their life, increase their capacity, and become more fulfilled.
    I like clean designs, but also love when the logo conveys the meaning behind the product. There's an opportunity, I think, to contrast the words "Transform" and "Chaos" in a creative, yet classy way. I think there should be some color, but not excessive. Ok to use a graphic, provided that it isn't too complex and works with the idea of what we're selling. What I'd really love to get across is that this course will bring a sense of control and positive impact into their lives – professionally and personally. All that to say, I trust your creativity and can't wait to see where your ideas and talents take you. Good luck to all, and I'll be following your progress closely.

    Reference Samples:

  • cybil is selected as the contest finalist!4 years ago
  • akilis13 is selected as the contest finalist!4 years ago
  • keylogo is selected as the contest finalist!4 years ago
  • C
    Client779984 years ago
    Thanks so much everyone for your amazing designs! We have selected our three finalists, but ask that you please keep your work up on this site, as we may continue to revisit them and purchase for other needs. We are so impressed by the quality and look forward to working with you!
  • Design Concepts Completed4 years ago

    Open design concept stage had ended with 182 submissions from 41 designers. Go to DESIGNS tab to view all submissions.

    #191 by cybil
    #187 by akilis13
    #184 by keylogo
    #156 by graphicstar
    #153 by denfransko
    #147 by art84
    #144 by aflah
    #142 by Erasedink
    #137 by nikkiblue
    #136 by adm3
    #130 by EkoBooM
    #129 by maspion
    #124 by torresace
    #121 by yunda
    #117 by iamjason
    #115 by kurnia
    #112 by Kirito
    #107 by JessicaLopes
    #106 by KDesigns
    #103 by Shina
    #97 by lexipej
    #95 by Oana
    #91 by Marianne
    #88 by christabel
    #86 by jaize
    #85 by ElonStark
    #84 by KholusS
    #80 by Gopil
    #76 by Artomoro
    #74 by wongndeso
    #69 by luckyprasetyo
    #54 by Inaya
    #51 by cintoko
    #31 by andayani*
    #22 by icha_icha
    #21 by Barkah
    #15 by veter
    #12 by RIANW
    #5 by salis17
    #2 by banaspati
    #1 by oke2angconcept
    ALL 182 Designs >
  • Design #176 by akilis13 is declared WINNER!4 years ago
    #176 by akilis13