Excellence Eye Care

visited this project
4 years ago
Optometry Office - Eye exams, Contact Lenses, Eye Wear and Eye Care.
  • Design Brief4 years ago
    Logo Name:
    Excellence Eye Care
    Company Intro:
    Optometry Office - Eye exams, Contact Lenses, Eye Wear and Eye Care.
    Van Deusen Blue is the brand color. When I think of excellence, images include stars, award ribbons, sparkles... but I don't have anything particular in mind. I also like the symbolism of cherry blossoms as this is a renewal/new start for the experienced professionals involved. That may be too detailed to work into a logo. Our mission statement is: Excellence Eye Care is an independent optometry practice and eyewear boutique providing high level optometry care leading to individualized treatment plans in a safe clinical setting where patient health and communication is key. We're focusing of high quality, personalized care.
    Excellence Eye_1.jpg
    Excellence Eye_2.jpg
    Excellence Eye_3.jpg

    Reference Samples:

  • javazâ„¢ selected as finalist!4 years ago
  • Design Concepts Completed4 years ago

    Open design concept stage had ended with 48 submissions from 23 designers. Go to DESIGNS tab to view all submissions.

    #69 by LucidSketch
    #66 by Andri
    #65 by jaize
    #63 by ingepro
    #62 by kunejo
    #59 by keylogo
    #55 by ElonStark
    #49 by KQ5
    #46 by Diponegoro_
    #45 by cintoko
    #31 by GassPoll
    #23 by ozenkgraphic
    #21 by oke2angconcept
    #19 by hopee
    #18 by puthreeone
    #16 by Artomoro
    #15 by czars
    #14 by uttam
    #11 by Rizqy
    #10 by p0peye
    #9 by Greenlight
    #6 by carman
    #2 by javaz
    ALL 48 Designs >
  • Design #2 by javaz is declared WINNER!4 years ago
    #2 by javaz