Lo0t5 Squad

visited this project
2 years ago
We are an e-sports crew who want a logo for our squad. We play war zone where you “loot” up for cash and money and then battle in a battle royale format.
  • Design Brief3 years ago
    Logo Name
    Lo0t5 Squad
    Company Intro
    We are an e-sports crew who want a logo for our squad. We play war zone where you “loot” up for cash and money and then battle in a battle royale format.
    We wanted a skyline of a city (minneapolis or something iconic) with it on fire/smoking because the game we play has a city on fire/in shambles. If it could also incorporate the black power fist that would be good as well as we have many gamers of color in the crew.

    Reference Samples

  • jaize selected as finalist!3 years ago
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    Ben Rasmussen3 years ago
    Can you make it so the spelling is "Lo0t5" where the first "O" is a lowercase "O" (o) and the second one is a zero, and the "T" is also lowercase? It's how our clan tag is spelled so that's why it's weird spelling. Also can you make all of the letters the same color? No red 5 please. Also can you make one where there's no shading of the letters and the "squad" is the same color as the "Lo0t5"? And we'll choose between those two. We're likely putting this on a t-shirt so we're trying to keep it fairly simple re:design wise
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    Ben Rasmussen3 years ago
    Can we keep the fist in the large "O"?
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    Ben Rasmussen3 years ago
    Also just for the one where the surrounding part of "squad" is red, can we make that white and turn the "squad" letters black? Want to see how that would look real quick
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    Ben Rasmussen3 years ago
    Okay, looking really good, can you just make the remaining red parts on design #35 white instead of red surrounding the "squad" portion
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    Ben Rasmussen3 years ago
    Can this be done?
  • Design Concepts Completed3 years ago

    Open design concept stage had ended with 35 submissions from 14 designers. Go to DESIGNS tab to view all submissions.

    #36 by jaize
    #29 by azizah
    #25 by M Fariid
    #23 by gogo
    #21 by art84
    #19 by usashi
    #15 by uttam
    #13 by ndndn
    #12 by kurnia
    #9 by DreamLogoDesign
    #4 by Artomoro
    #3 by Artigsma
    #2 by Kruger
    #1 by rizuki
    ALL 35 Designs >
  • Design #36 by jaize is declared WINNER!3 years ago
    #36 by jaize
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    Ben Rasmussen3 years ago
    If you can get me a quote on custom tank tops with names on the back and that logo on the front I may be interested