- $129
- 86
- Logo Name:
- Not sure I want a name but open. business name is Your Garage Door Guys.
- Company Intro:
- Garage doors, residential, commercial, screens, gates and operators
- Instructions:
- The business name has always been name driven. I've attached a link so you can see the current feel. https://yourgdguys.com I have two wrapped vehicles and They won't change right away but I am open to it at some point. If you scrol down on the website, you can see the vehicle. Maybe it is a design on initials? YGDG? Maybe it is a rework of the name in general. Lastly will I get the file so I can have shirts and cards made?
Reference Samples:
- Bfeel free to CC bill@cornerstonerockwall.com for a quicker response. Please see the website and vehicle wrap to get an idea of the current feel. I had a buddy make changes to a business I used to own, feel free to check out wwwyourgaragedoorguys.com.
Open design concept stage had ended with 86 submissions from 21 designers. Go to DESIGNS tab to view all submissions.