Svivel Tek

visited this project
3 years ago
Hi We are a small company that develops websites that will make it easier to connect our customers with their customers. An example of this development of online booking system. The name Svivel is taken from a small tool used by fishermen to prevent twists on the small line to the hook that is stuck in a long line. Tek is an abbreviation for technology. We thus want a logo with Svivel Tek, together with a small illustration of Svivel (Wiggler Rolling Swivel), see photos. We want to be like a swivel, to help customers with their customer relationships ..
  • Design Brief3 years ago
    Logo Name:
    Svivel Tek
    Company Intro:
    Hi We are a small company that develops websites that will make it easier to connect our customers with their customers. An example of this development of online booking system. The name Svivel is taken from a small tool used by fishermen to prevent twists on the small line to the hook that is stuck in a long line. Tek is an abbreviation for technology. We thus want a logo with Svivel Tek, together with a small illustration of Svivel (Wiggler Rolling Swivel), see photos. We want to be like a swivel, to help customers with their customer relationships ..
    We are open to suggestions, feel free to try with blue and or red for example.
    Skjermbilde 2022-05-03 235251.jpg
    Skjermbilde 2022-05-04 000751.jpg
    Skjermbilde 2022-05-04 000522.jpg
    Skjermbilde 2022-05-04 000438.jpg

    Reference Samples:

  • gateout selected as finalist!3 years ago
  • Design Concepts Completed3 years ago

    Open design concept stage had ended with 139 submissions from 30 designers. Go to DESIGNS tab to view all submissions.

    #153 by gateout
    #142 by rief
    #141 by TMaulanaAssa
    #140 by akilis13
    #132 by axel182
    #129 by Gwerth
    #123 by jonggol
    #121 by CreativeKiller
    #120 by serprimero
    #116 by yoppunx
    #100 by usef44
    #99 by MarkindDesign
    #97 by ingepro
    #95 by jaize
    #93 by Kirito
    #86 by DreamLogoDesign
    #84 by Fear
    #79 by subrata
    #73 by YONK
    #72 by VSOL
    #65 by josephira
    #64 by Asani Chie
    #53 by harshikagraphics
    #34 by Artomoro
    #24 by Koushik
    #14 by almaula
    #10 by Neng Khusna
    #8 by bezalel
    #3 by pel4ngi
    #2 by qqdesigns
    ALL 139 Designs >
  • Design #153 by gateout is declared WINNER!3 years ago
    #153 by gateout