- $199
- 100
- Logo Name:
- iBi LLC (International Business Immigration)
- Company Intro:
- We service businesses and immigrants offering a range of 97 visas to USA through various personal and business strategies and business maintenance services such as accounting, payroll, tax filings, tax plans for clients all over the world doing business within the USA, Mexico and Guatemala. We are business, immigration, and law combined for international and and national clients. (Correction: It's International not Internatinal)
- Instructions:
- We cannot decide if we do navy blue, lime green, and grey or navy blue and grey or an iridecent design of blues. We like those colors because they can have the colors of the world for international. We somehow like the i's being lowercase for design of looking like two people shaking hands. You are welcome to implement other colors and other designs if you feel you can improve in this rough sample logo. We would like the bottom to say International Business Immigration (it doesn't have to have the LLC for iBi but if you can integrate it in a great design we are not oppose to using it) We encourage thinking and designing outside the box as well.
- For the designers of this logo we were thinking something like this. We want to buy multiple logos. Please keep colors navy blue and lime green. For the logo 2 please change the B and Business to lime green and leave light grey the outline box
Open design concept stage had ended with 100 submissions from 30 designers. Go to DESIGNS tab to view all submissions.