- $199
- 431
- Logo Name:
- The Draft Zone
- Company Intro:
- Our site is about American Football. Our target audience is anyone that enjoys the sport of american football. It can be men and women.
- Instructions:
- We are interested in having a logo that is timeless but modern. It can incorporate text as part of the design or have the logo and text seperate. The logo should be black and orange and the use of gradients are fine. Other neutrals are acceptable like white or gray. The Draft Zone is the site name, but there is a much bigger emphasis on DRAFT ZONE than "the" and "the" can be much smaller in text than the other two words. DRAFT and ZONE should be the same length and height, which of course makes ZONE to be spread more than DRAFT. The word "THE" must be capitalized. But it can be as small as possible. But I don't want to take away any creativity. The designs chosen for inspiration do not necessarily mean to use those elements, but to be similar. Show me different fonts, design elements, configurations.
Reference Samples:
- I am noticing trends that when one style gets liked, everyone designs to that trend. Please show me what you have that would stand out. There are plenty of examples to go off of and I have literally seen about 3.
Open design concept stage had ended with 431 submissions from 76 designers. Go to DESIGNS tab to view all submissions.