Believe Hoops

visited this project
3 years ago
"Believe Hoops" is a basketball training company that offers a variety of online and offline basketball services to players of all ages.
  • Design Brief3 years ago
    Logo Name:
    Believe Hoops
    Company Intro:
    "Believe Hoops" is a basketball training company that offers a variety of online and offline basketball services to players of all ages.
    We would like to have the word "Believe" or phrase"Believe Hoops", something Christian-themed like a cross, and a basketball incorporated into the design. (See the attached picture). The final design should communicate to our athletes the core values of being physically strong, mentally sharp, and morally straight.
    believe hoops logo rough draft.jpg

    Reference Samples:

  • fastI okay selected as finalist!3 years ago
  • Q
    Quion Johnson3 years ago
    So, this design is a good start. The shield and banner come together and look like they are a backboard and rim. I don't know if that was intentional, but it works. I'd like to enhance that theme of the ball, backboard, and rim with the following changes: 1. Use the word "Believe" as a rim so the basketball is right above the rim. 2. Turn the word "Hoops" into a basketball net that is attached to the rim. 3. Rotate the basketball where the two lines that form the cross are more towards the top of the ball so people can see it.
  • Design Concepts Completed3 years ago

    Open design concept stage had ended with 136 submissions from 44 designers. Go to DESIGNS tab to view all submissions.

    #142 by fastIokay
    #124 by Erasedink
    #120 by LogoInvent
    #117 by Asani Chie
    #116 by Dhieko
    #114 by SDLOGO
    #112 by DreamLogoDesign
    #107 by yoppunx
    #106 by Md Sahin
    #101 by Suvendu
    #100 by pilKB
    #98 by LogoQueen
    #95 by Poki
    #91 by REDCROW
    #86 by mewlana
    #85 by MarkindDesign
    #83 by rizuki
    #80 by oke2angconcept
    #77 by dave_ten_minutes
    #73 by Koushik
    #70 by Pompi
    #69 by agus
    #67 by Foxcody
    #58 by Rossee
    #49 by lintinganarto
    #47 by sodimejo
    #46 by Dawnxisoul393
    #41 by ARTSHREE
    #37 by Andri Herdiansyah
    #36 by TMaulanaAssa
    #33 by design_brush
    #31 by Yuda harv
    #30 by dorijo
    #28 by ingepro
    #23 by PRN123
    #21 by ArRizqu
    #17 by Purwoko21
    #16 by creatorâ„¢
    #15 by keylogo
    #14 by hopee
    #13 by BlessedArt
    #11 by dewipadi
    #7 by Artomoro
    #6 by johana
    ALL 136 Designs >
  • Design #142 by fastIokay is declared WINNER!3 years ago
    #142 by fastIokay