- $199
- 208
- Logo Name:
- Learning with Dr.D
- Company Intro:
- I am wanting to rebrand myself now as an online teacher, selling digital courses in the arts and offering teaching mentorships in a variety of areas - so am finding myself in search for a logo that is all encompassing.
- Instructions:
- I'd like a logo made in the shape of a suggestive letter 'D' I'd like to see the 'D' be more of a swoosh, more suggestive of a 'D' rather than so obvious of a 'D' I think this could be done by extending beyond the upper left corner of the 'D' and turning that entire curved line from the bottom. If all parts of the 'D' are images of their own yet when combined make the shape of the suggestive 'D' , then we have a winner - Think: you have the back of the 'D', the swoosh of the 'D' and the inside of the 'D' - perhaps take three images (like a path, a growing plant and perhaps a suggested [does not need to be exact] silhouetted figure/profile/owl) and combine these together to make the overall stylised 'D' shape. Please keep the text horizontal (I provide an example in my brief - I especially like the example where 'with Dr.D' is smaller than the word 'Learning'). I am attaching some text options that I am liking. In the end I'd like to be able to move the text to any side of the symbol = to the right, to the left, or underneath the symbol Just Black & White for now. I hope to be able to change the colour of the final product at my leisure in order to fit whatever it is on. I'd like to keep it simple so it is striking even at a very, very small size. The logo is mostly just for product recognition - like how you can see a swoosh and know that's Nike without even the word Nike written. The logo should be: Easily translated to a single colour Easy to scale Relatively simple, yet visually striking I like the use of positive and negative space both making up the overall image (as a tessellation) - Escher-esque I like the idea of growth, green, plants, leaves Some sort of movement Transitional, nurturing - yet with a whimsical, catchy edge I'll need my logo to attract clients of all ages and of all genders. The logo will be used on all things digital - social media (set as a profile picture and/or cover photos), websites, curriculum content, videos, curriculum hand-outs, curriculum resources… The logo will also be used for stationary items including business cards, paper pads, envelopes, gift certificates, awards…
- DI have spelt my name for the logo wrong - it should be, "LeArning with Dr.D" urgh!!! please catch this rudimentary error!... and adjust accordingly to spell the word correctly
- DMy headline has a spelling error - it should be spelt "Learning with Dr.D" (I skipped the 'a' in filling out the form)
- DAnyone, something other than an owl? Please?
- DAs designs have been coming in and this contest ends soon, I have been constantly updating my brief, so please check in...
Open design concept stage had ended with 208 submissions from 22 designers. Go to DESIGNS tab to view all submissions.