- $199
- 45
- Logo Name:
- Company Intro:
- Perfumes / Target : tourists from the world visiting Jerusalem
- Instructions:
- Key words : spirituality, connection with G.od, traditionnal production 100% natural perfumes, perfumes made with Bible plants, connection between earth and sky, welcoming people from all over the world to connect with Jerusalem, hospitality, peace, unity. Design : Temple of Jerusalem / copper alambic / garden of Eden
- Good luck everybody. Shall G.od bless your work ! Regards Israel Rubinstein
- These are pictures of the Temple of Jerusalem that I would like to be in the logo (last picture with bowl and animal is nice). It could be interesting that the Temple would rise from a beautiful garden (like the Garden of Eden) - that we could also see the spiritual connection between sky and eart.
- It coul be interesting to integrate an alambic to valorize the traditional way of making perfume. please see folowing links : # https://www.destillatio.eu/fr/coppergarden-alambic-essence-2-litres-avec-colonne-amovible_11103_3161 # https://www.destillatio.eu/fr/alambic-de-loisir-2l_1420_2097 # https://www.destillatio.eu/fr/alambic-dae-coratif-2-5-l-avec-porte-bouteille-en-cuivre-oxydae_320_1292
- The alambic is a symbol for traditional perfumery
- :3 hours ago Can you make an effect with the clowds and the shinning like this (with the trees) : https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https://artlevin.com/wp-content/uploads/The-second-Jewish-Temple-by-Alex-Levin.jpg&imgrefurl=https://artlevin.com/product-tag/beit-hamikdash/&tbnid=Q0Qb14GdV_-P8M&vet=1&docid=6iPFSLvECg-foM&w=1200&h=800&source=sh/x/im#imgrc=Q0Qb14GdV_-P8M&imgdii=plbQZwO0EP1keM Me:3 hours ago This illustration of the Temple is very close of what I am looking for. Please take it as an exemple. Thank you very much.
Open design concept stage had ended with 45 submissions from 8 designers. Go to DESIGNS tab to view all submissions.