Pro-Surve Source Inspection

visited this project
10 months ago
Pro-Surve Source Inspection is a world-wide vendor surveillance (shop inspection) service provider in the energy industry. Our representatives travel all over the world to inspect new fabrication equipment to ensure codes, specifications and laws are met and adhered to.
  • Design Brief2 years ago
    Logo Name:
    Pro-Surve Source Inspection
    Company Intro:
    Pro-Surve Source Inspection is a world-wide vendor surveillance (shop inspection) service provider in the energy industry. Our representatives travel all over the world to inspect new fabrication equipment to ensure codes, specifications and laws are met and adhered to.
    We desire to utilize the current Pro-Surve logo as is with the following exceptions: Take the globe from the D&C Inspection logo and insert it into the magnifying glass of the Pro-Surve logo. Also, minimize the check mark that is in the magnifying glass, possibly changing its color - RED. Finally, remove the words "Technical services, LLC" and replace them with "Source inspection" using the same original font and color 9Black).
    Signature Pro-Surve LLC Logo.png

    Reference Samples:

  • Pompi Saha selected as finalist!2 years ago
  • Design Concepts Completed2 years ago

    Open design concept stage had ended with 56 submissions from 26 designers. Go to DESIGNS tab to view all submissions.

    #68 by Pompi
    #66 by kgcreative
    #60 by dewipadi
    #58 by kunejo
    #57 by DreamCather
    #56 by berkah271
    #55 by Asani Chie
    #52 by czars
    #51 by DreamLogoDesign
    #46 by muda_belia
    #44 by Qun²
    #41 by Lewung
    #37 by Kirito
    #36 by garam
    #35 by Koushik
    #33 by justin_ezra
    #31 by bomie
    #29 by MuhammadSami
    #27 by Riyana
    #24 by Humhum
    #23 by revi
    #18 by salis17
    #15 by Girly
    #13 by dasam
    #10 by alby
    #8 by funsdesigns
    ALL 56 Designs >
  • Design #67 by Pompi is declared WINNER!2 years ago
    #67 by Pompi
  • Client purchase design #64 from Pompi2 years ago
    #64 by Pompi