Jordan Thomas and The New York Connection, LLC

visited this project
2 years ago
We are a dynamic musical entertainment company that offers upbeat dance music for dancing, or concert performances. We primarily perform lively music from the 1940s to the 1980s, and we perform at upscale venues throughout Florida, including ritzy country clubs, corporate events, park concerts, and weddings. Our performances are extremely passionate, and we employ a lot of horn players to provide extra energy and excitement. Our performances are very elegant and are visually pleasing, as well as beautiful to the ears of our clients. We usually wear matching ties, and pocket squares, and our vocalists are always dressed exquisitely, including gorgeous gowns, and dresses. We are the complete musical package! Our Executive Director, Jordan Thomas, led a band in NY/NJ for 25 years, and has been leading bands in Florida for the last 7 years, and we also employ several of the top, first-tier musicians from New York City with several years of entertainment experience. Our slogan is "Elegant musical entertainment for every occasion!
  • Design Brief2 years ago
    Logo Name
    Jordan Thomas and The New York Connection, LLC
    Company Intro
    We are a dynamic musical entertainment company that offers upbeat dance music for dancing, or concert performances. We primarily perform lively music from the 1940s to the 1980s, and we perform at upscale venues throughout Florida, including ritzy country clubs, corporate events, park concerts, and weddings. Our performances are extremely passionate, and we employ a lot of horn players to provide extra energy and excitement. Our performances are very elegant and are visually pleasing, as well as beautiful to the ears of our clients. We usually wear matching ties, and pocket squares, and our vocalists are always dressed exquisitely, including gorgeous gowns, and dresses. We are the complete musical package! Our Executive Director, Jordan Thomas, led a band in NY/NJ for 25 years, and has been leading bands in Florida for the last 7 years, and we also employ several of the top, first-tier musicians from New York City with several years of entertainment experience. Our slogan is "Elegant musical entertainment for every occasion!
    I like black and gold because it is elegant, but our previous logo was black, gold, and silver for Jordan Thomas Odyssey/JTO Entertainment, Inc. so I am willing to look at other possible colors. The MAIN thing is for the logo to exude elegance, and that our musicians, and ensembles are top-notch, classy, and extremely talented performance artists. If other colors were to be added, I would only consider different shades of blue, purple, lilac, and possibly blue or green turquoise. I don't like old-fashioned fonts with seraphs, and I want the logo to have a contemporary and artistic theme. REALLY LOOKING TO EMPHASIZE THE NEW YORK CONNECTION in the logo...maybe a NYC Skyline? maybe using NYC (for New York Connection) maybe putting some instruments as the New York Skyline? NOTE - JORDAN THOMAS CAN BE SMALLER FONT THAN THE NEW YORK CONNECTION...MAIN PART SHOULD BE NEW YORK CONNECTION...THANK YOU!

    Reference Samples

  • James Jordan2 years ago
    We offer everything from a solo musician up to a 20-piece big band, and everything in between!
  • Creativeminds selected as finalist!2 years ago
  • MonkDesign selected as finalist!2 years ago
  • Design Concepts Completed2 years ago

    Open design concept stage had ended with 66 submissions from 17 designers. Go to DESIGNS tab to view all submissions.

    #86 by Creativeminds
    #84 by MonkDesign
    #73 by Doublee
    #72 by gomadesign
    #70 by sheilavalencia
    #65 by planoLOGO
    #63 by kanal
    #61 by Sami Ur Rab
    #58 by jaize
    #56 by nexgen
    #55 by Koushik
    #50 by Gilate
    #27 by LogoQueen
    #23 by ruthracam
    #18 by DreamLogoDesign
    #10 by Artomoro
    #8 by creativemind01
    ALL 66 Designs >
  • Design #86 by Creativeminds is declared WINNER!2 years ago
    #86 by Creativeminds