- $129
- 45
- Logo Name:
- Sundial Vacation Rentals
- Company Intro:
- Short term rental/vacation rental business in beach communities (except for one house in Austin, Texas). Name Sundial is represented by the sundial shell. Could also refer to time. Also like references to sun (like sunshine). Prefer a more luxury/high end/sophisticated and fresh look but again, it’s mostly beach and river houses.
- Instructions:
- Update: I added a rough mock-up of my original idea. It’s a bit more simple than I really want but that’s the extent of my design knowledge. I definitely want the logo to have blue (light blue or spa blue) in it, that could be background or logo or font. But otherwise, clean. Fresh, sophisticated (over “fun” fonts) and simple. I envision a sundial (either whole shell or just half of the shell like a rising or setting sun). And then the words Sundial Rentals. Or Sundial Vacation Rentals. Open to anything! Excited to see what you design. Thank you in advance.
Open design concept stage had ended with 45 submissions from 20 designers. Go to DESIGNS tab to view all submissions.