- $299
- 309
- Logo Name:
- Massage 7
- Company Intro:
- We are a massage store. The honest kind and not the sexually related type. Our client are primarily (but not limited too) older financially well to do women and men who drive to our location.
- Instructions:
- We would like blue. We do not want any red or yellow because these are often associated with sexual massage. We are including a picture of our sign which we would like incorporated into the logo. It would be nice if the logo somehow presented the idea of soft, healing, caring. Perhaps light touches with flowers (not sure whether that works on not but it's a starting point). We do not want to appear corporate, overly upscale (expensive) nor downscale (cheap). This is a single store - not a chain. Plants, flowers and perhaps a heart might be nice touches if not over done. Nothing cartoonish This is currently for our website... We may later develop it onto signage and a billboard so please think in terms of what would be easily readable at a distance. In other words no hard to read fonts, nothing that would be hard to see at a distance, etc Under the banner on the website we will be discussing the types of massage such a trigger point, swedish, etc so it would be good if the font blends well with typical internet fonts
- SWhat we are seeing so far is pretty plain... We would like to see more detail... Place this on a backgound (perhaps light blue or light green). If you add a heart it's okay for the heart to be pink or red. We just don't want big glaring red letters which people associate with sexual related massage stores. Additional ideas is to put it inside a box or oval (Wider then tall). We are not creating a sign (We have that) we are looking for a company logo. Texture and trim would be helpful
Open design concept stage had ended with 309 submissions from 92 designers. Go to DESIGNS tab to view all submissions.