- $129
- 77
- Logo Name:
- 'Imi Ola Health & Wellness office
- Company Intro:
- Health, wellness, medical and aesthetics clinic. doctor's office. Target all ages; young adults, families, elderly, covid patient's, and people who want botox and fillers (beauty services).
- Instructions:
- I want a clean modern design with a snail in the middle of the name. 'Imi (snail) Ola Health & Wellness Clinic want to use greenish, yellow and white see picture similar . But use or create a picture of this type of snail.
- CORRECTION Logo Name 'Imi Ola Health and Wellness Clinic
- note: ‘Imi Ola means to seek life, encouraging us to search for the best we can do in our life’s journey. ‘Imi literally means – search, seek, look, even hunt Ola means – life, health, wellbeing, living
Open design concept stage had ended with 77 submissions from 32 designers. Go to DESIGNS tab to view all submissions.