Palmer Family Lawn & Landscape

visited this project
2 years ago
We are a new family owned business est 2023 in Carlisle PA. we primarily specialize in lawn care but plan to expand more into the landscape industry.
Logo DesignSTANDARDConstructionFeatured
  • Design Brief2 years ago
    Logo Name
    Palmer Family Lawn & Landscape
    Company Intro
    We are a new family owned business est 2023 in Carlisle PA. we primarily specialize in lawn care but plan to expand more into the landscape industry.
    We want something exactly like the sample pictures and industry pictures that we have picked for examples. But with Zero turn or a stand on mower (is must have) (We would also like to see options with a mini stand on track loader or tractor added with the mower) for reference like the Latrobe land service logo below. Colors Needs to be realistic just like the example photos Thanks .

    Reference Samples

  • J
    Jordan2 years ago
    Thank you for all your designs so far i really appreciate it. But one thing i have decided that i REALLY like having a blue sky and mountains and trees in the design. i also like having 2 or more pieces of equipment in it as well. I definitely want a mower in it but i'm leaning towards the stand on mower instead of the sit on zero turns. i really like the stand on track loaders and the white in closed cab skid loader. I would like to see other designs with the stuff i listed above. i would also like a few with a stand on mower, in closed cab skid loader or stand on track loader, and an excavator or some other type of landscape equipment. I also asked a few to change the equipment to orange so i could see how it looked. But after reviewing them i don't think i like it as much as i thought i would. i like having each piece of equipment to have its factory colors. but i also like having 2 color matched equipment and 1 a different color. so i don't know, so please feel free to make something that flows together and stands out but isn't too flashy. THANK you everyone for all your hard work!!!!!
  • creativehue selected as finalist!2 years ago
  • LogoQueen selected as finalist!2 years ago
  • Design Concepts Completed2 years ago

    Open design concept stage had ended with 64 submissions from 15 designers. Go to DESIGNS tab to view all submissions.

    #66 by creativehue
    #63 by LogoQueen
    #52 by TMaulanaAssa
    #49 by Ishika Halder
    #45 by jaize
    #43 by daywalker
    #42 by DreamLogoDesign
    #38 by Suvendu
    #37 by Gilate
    #18 by Artomoro
    #12 by ragnar
    #10 by PrimalGraphics
    #6 by ElonStark
    #3 by rizuki
    #2 by huma
    ALL 64 Designs >
  • Design #63 by LogoQueen is declared WINNER!2 years ago
    #63 by LogoQueen
  • Client purchase design #64 from creativehue2 years ago