PiggyBack Movers LLC

visited this project
a year ago
Start up moving company, moving brokers & open public.
  • Design Briefa year ago
    Logo Name:
    PiggyBack Movers LLC
    Company Intro:
    Start up moving company, moving brokers & open public.
    We were thinking something along the lines of porky pig from the looney toons in a 1930s cartoon style holding a box with logo in box (or just holding box wed like to see both). Black or purple. (Cartoon example in file)
  • Carlos Carrilloa year ago
    if the pig could be holding a box that has the business name on it. Porky pig was a reference, we would like the pig holding the box to be more on the muscular side.
  • Carlos Carrilloa year ago
    Different approach, old 1930 carton style
  • Carlos Carrilloa year ago
    old 1930s carton style pig carrying box
  • Carlos Carrilloa year ago
    a design that could be put on a shirt or hat without complications
  • Carlos Carrilloa year ago
    Most recent file is what we want. Black and white would be perfect please and thank you!
  • Ferdinand Marla Jr selected as finalist!a year ago
  • logofighter selected as finalist!a year ago
  • Design Concepts Completeda year ago

    Open design concept stage had ended with 48 submissions from 16 designers. Go to DESIGNS tab to view all submissions.

    #48 by Ferdinand Marla Jr
    #38 by rgb1
    #37 by Doublee
    #35 by TMaulanaAssa
    #33 by veron
    #32 by logofighter
    #31 by Gwerth
    #30 by LogoQueen
    #28 by rizuki
    #27 by haze
    #22 by Koushik
    #19 by Andrei P
    #16 by acasia
    #13 by RIFQI
    #10 by DreamLogoDesign
    #6 by uttam
    ALL 48 Designs >
  • Design #45 by Ferdinand Marla Jr is declared WINNER!a year ago