- $129
- 89
- Logo Name:
- Real Estate Circuit Michelle Gruberger licensed associate real estate broker
- Company Intro:
- The logo name should read as below a New York State state licensed realtor. My target audience is selling homes helping (buyer) sellers residential commercial and industrial development construction rental. Included in the logo needs to be the company name with my name. And title. a fair housing logo and the MLS which are attached. Michelle Gruberger NYS Licensed Associate Broker O- 845-344-1480 Cell-845-800-3905 mgrealtor@hvc.rr.com
- Instructions:
- Real Estate Circuit Michelle Gruberger Licensed Associate Broker Office 845-344-1480 Cell-845-800-3905 mgrealtor@hvc.rr.com I’m open to designs and colors I’ve attached my card that I have now which needs revamping an Equal housing logo and MLS should be included in some of the designs if I want too use for cards and advertising
Reference Samples:
- CHere’s a copy of the current card that they have I don’t need a picture I’m looking to revamp my card with a Logo and all of the information on it including the fair housing logo and the New York State MLS and your state has guidelines of how we have to advertise as an associate broker underneath the brokers business I hope this helps
- CEqual housing logo
Open design concept stage had ended with 89 submissions from 24 designers. Go to DESIGNS tab to view all submissions.