- $129
- 149
- Logo Name:
- Kinder Morgan Badger
- Company Intro:
- This logo is going to go on a company letter head and project forms. Its also to distinguish a division of the existing company
- Instructions:
- Need something that will incorporate the existing company logo (Kinder Morgan), Integrity and a badger. Don't need the word badger in the logo. Kinder Morgan needs to be on the logo but Integrity needs to be the focal point. another idea was to have the badge hold a piece of pipe with KM Integrity on the pipe. And have all of that in the USA border background.
Reference Samples:
- CDon't want it to say badger in the logo
- CAlso the badger doesn't have to be the picture I uploaded.
- Canother idea was to have the badge hold a piece of pipe with KM Integrity on the pipe. And have all of that in the USA border background
- CHere is the KM logo
Open design concept stage had ended with 149 submissions from 21 designers. Go to DESIGNS tab to view all submissions.