Always A Learner Excel In English Learning Success Coach

visited this project
2 years ago
I am a Certified Wholistic Learning Success Coach committed to empowering students in their English journey. Through a blend of academic guidance and a focus on whole being, I strive to instill both academic excellence and personal confidence in my students. Target Audience are parents and students from grade 6-college.
  • Design Brief2 years ago
    Logo Name:
    Always A Learner Excel In English Learning Success Coach
    Company Intro:
    I am a Certified Wholistic Learning Success Coach committed to empowering students in their English journey. Through a blend of academic guidance and a focus on whole being, I strive to instill both academic excellence and personal confidence in my students. Target Audience are parents and students from grade 6-college.
    A logo with a book inside or something to do with education. Maybe green, gold, and blue colors. I attached a sample.
    always a learner.pdf
  • Zhaklin J Pakhloyan2 years ago
    Always A Learner, Excel in English, and Learning Success Coach I want to be all Capital Letters
  • Gwerth selected as finalist!2 years ago
  • Design Concepts Completed2 years ago

    Open design concept stage had ended with 65 submissions from 15 designers. Go to DESIGNS tab to view all submissions.

    #67 by ingepro
    #60 by Gwerth
    #50 by jancok
    #47 by Pintu Das
    #46 by johana
    #44 by megalogos
    #39 by PRN123
    #37 by rey
    #30 by ruki
    #29 by Fear
    #24 by Timmy Nguyen
    #23 by oke2angconcept
    #20 by Adundas
    #17 by pambudi
    #12 by Ebad uddin
    ALL 65 Designs >
  • Design #59 by Gwerth is declared WINNER!2 years ago
    #59 by Gwerth