- $129
- 134
- Logo Name:
- J Mac Designs
- Company Intro:
- the client is a serial innovator who has a portfolio of various patents, inventions and ideas. his name is joe mccoy. j mac designs will be the holding company for everything he develops.
- Instructions:
- some feelings the logo should portray include strength, innovation, technology, etc. the client mentioned maybe a 'gear' icon in the design? darker colors like steel gray, black, blue, etc
Reference Samples:
- Gclient had this animated logo concept created he liked. here's the link to see it on dropbox. https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/604j4o6h0otl8a6n21ujk/JMAC.mpeg?rlkey=j6adhsg97d0ez9uiqrxrtvqkh&dl=0
Open design concept stage had ended with 134 submissions from 49 designers. Go to DESIGNS tab to view all submissions.