Tsunami Esports

visited this project
a year ago
We are an eSports organization. We target anyone who is interested in the eSports scene.
  • Design Briefa year ago
    Logo Name:
    Tsunami Esports
    Company Intro:
    We are an eSports organization. We target anyone who is interested in the eSports scene.
    Simple, clean, and bold. Something that can be used in anything for example clothing and graphics. It needs to be something that people can recognize and say that is our logo. The colors we want to go with are Black and Blue (#008fdb)

    Reference Samples:

  • Shilen Patela year ago
    Here is out previous logo...
  • Shilen Patela year ago
    Don't copy these attached, but use these as a reference to what we want to go for.
  • Shilen Patela year ago
    Tsunami Esports is an Esports Team/Brand built from the ground up and is looking for an updated logo that reflects our growth as we move forward into a new version of counter strike as well as the opportunity to branch across multiple titles with a fresh coat of paint. As our logo currently stands it has restrictive issues with transferability between mediums as well as a lack of mutability for different graphics and apparel designs. In our new logo we would still like to keep the general shape of the wave whilst creating a logo that's shape isn't heavily supported by having a background/badge display allowing it freedom to be edited for multiple purposes along with the opportunity for special edits of the logos to exist such as color swaps and holographic designs as the logo will not be burdened with clutter. The current color we would like to work with in order to fill out the logo is #008fdb. We look forward to collaborating in creating a logo that both parties can be proud of and lets all #RideTheWave
  • subrata selected as finalist!a year ago
  • acasia selected as finalist!a year ago
  • Design Concepts Completeda year ago

    Open design concept stage had ended with 173 submissions from 60 designers. Go to DESIGNS tab to view all submissions.

    #197 by subrata
    #185 by acasia
    #183 by Sami Ur Rab
    #180 by Shofwatul Afifah
    #167 by sheilavalencia
    #164 by Louseven
    #163 by jaize
    #158 by daywalker
    #156 by Maharani
    #155 by mmyousuf
    #150 by Gilate
    #139 by LogoQueen
    #138 by creativehue
    #136 by Vincent Leoncito
    #134 by hunter$
    #127 by Irvan Kamaruddin
    #124 by Artomoro
    #123 by dgrafistudio
    #119 by reight
    #118 by DreamLogoDesign
    #113 by ruthracam
    #112 by DADA007
    #110 by azizah
    #109 by Kruger
    #107 by oke2angconcept
    #103 by FaniLa
    #98 by sodimejo
    #96 by scania
    #94 by Euto
    #91 by udinjamal
    #89 by ingepro
    #86 by AB212
    #83 by Gwerth
    #79 by Eka Krisdiyanto
    #77 by gogo
    #73 by peacock
    #71 by Koushik
    #65 by jancok
    #64 by Asadancs
    #61 by one
    #59 by Asani Chie
    #57 by Galfine
    #53 by yoppunx
    #51 by Franky.
    #48 by goblin
    #46 by yans
    #44 by Risza Setiawan
    #43 by Oeriz
    #39 by Gedibal
    #38 by rizuki
    #30 by keylogo
    #27 by nurul_rizkon
    #25 by R-art
    #23 by agil
    #19 by ozenkgraphic
    #17 by pixalrahul
    #15 by cintoko
    #12 by tejo
    #11 by lintinganarto
    #6 by dewipadi
    ALL 173 Designs >
  • Design #196 by subrata is declared WINNER!a year ago
    #196 by subrata