Sunflower Trail Ride 2024

visited this project
5 months ago
We are an offroad club that hosts an event each year called the Sunflower Trail Ride. We need a design for our event logo.
  • Design Briefa year ago
    Logo Name:
    Sunflower Trail Ride 2024
    Company Intro:
    We are an offroad club that hosts an event each year called the Sunflower Trail Ride. We need a design for our event logo.
    We are looking to design next years event logo. We want to limit the colors used to a total of 6. The club name "Midwest Krawlers" should be used in the design as well but not larger than the event name. We use the "Rosie the Riverter" as the person in the design as this event is geared toward women. The Driving Change example shown is our last design for a scholarship we offer. Last year's logo is shown in the pink example. We are thinking we would like "Rosie" working on or standing next to a single Jeep (hood up?) in front of a barn or shop with Sunflowers growing in front of and beside it. The barn pictured is special to us as it is as the off-road park we visit a lot.
    Sunflower5 (1).jpg
    black mtn logo.png

    Reference Samples:

  • USDOT selected as finalist!10 months ago
  • haze selected as finalist!10 months ago
  • Design Concepts Completed10 months ago

    Open design concept stage had ended with 18 submissions from 2 designers. Go to DESIGNS tab to view all submissions.

    #19 by USDOT
    #14 by haze
    ALL 18 Designs >
  • Design #19 by USDOT is declared WINNER!10 months ago
    #19 by USDOT