- $129
- 163
- Logo Name:
- Accessibility Map
- Company Intro:
- Accessibility Map application, that allows people with disabilities to enter their experiences at a location with the accessibility, and allow users of the app to see the accessibility ratings and details for locations on a map, to help them plan their trips to these locations.
- Instructions:
- Logo must be easy to separate from the name as it will be used for the app icons for a mobile app. Circular logo preferred with text to one side. The colours we'd like to see match our non-profit colours - Blue #15A8C7 and Green #589B37 although variations on these colours are OK. The image should include the public domain accessibility icon found here https://accessibleicon.org and something to do with a map (map/location markers).
Reference Samples:
- This logo will be used on the mobile header for the mobile app, and the fav icon, and within all the play and apple store artwork. The text should match the image style of the logo but easily separated so that the logo can be used for the icons.
- The map part of the logo image doesn't need to be a location marker, it could also be a map too. The app main screen is a map with location markers on it.
Open design concept stage had ended with 163 submissions from 41 designers. Go to DESIGNS tab to view all submissions.