America mobile equipment repair/line boring LLC

visited this project
9 months ago
Mobile equipment repair & line boring I wound basically go to a customer's machine weld up worn out holes and line more than back to OEM spec for their pins and bushings
  • Design Brief9 months ago
    Logo Name:
    America mobile equipment repair/line boring LLC
    Company Intro:
    Mobile equipment repair & line boring I wound basically go to a customer's machine weld up worn out holes and line more than back to OEM spec for their pins and bushings
    Will have black truck and trailer want something with a flag in background some red, white and blue that stands out on black truck

    Reference Samples:

  • Paul Stevens9 months ago
    I like but No truck or trailer this is for heavy equipment
  • LogoQueen selected as finalist!9 months ago
  • Design Concepts Completed9 months ago

    Open design concept stage had ended with 42 submissions from 13 designers. Go to DESIGNS tab to view all submissions.

    #47 by jaize
    #45 by qqdesigns
    #43 by SumitSingha
    #41 by LogoQueen
    #40 by daywalker
    #38 by DreamLogoDesign
    #34 by Gilate
    #26 by glasslogo
    #21 by cintoko
    #20 by Artomoro
    #19 by czars
    #18 by Koushik
    #1 by rizuki
    ALL 42 Designs >
  • Design #41 by LogoQueen is declared WINNER!9 months ago
    #41 by LogoQueen