- $129
- 248
- Logo Name:
- Christian Compatibles
- Company Intro:
- Christian Compatibles is a singles connections and matchmaking business that brings together adult singles for friendships and relationships. We offer singles connections, matchmaking, date coaching, and from time to time events and trips.
- Instructions:
- * Title must be: Christian Compatibles * Subtitle is: Connections for Singles * Show concepts with and without subtitles * I love the idea of connected hearts (see my old logo) I like my old logo but it's dated looking and I want something better. I don't like the font either. Prefer a non cursive font; COLORS: I prefer blue/fuchsia color hearts or combination of black/blue colors; or blue colors combination; or blue and lilac/fuchsia (three tone). * I love big personable letters, friendly and inviting looking logo * No gradient will be considered * No dark backgrounds * Need symbol to be on left side of name * No shadow * We are basically looking for a re-branded better looking logo--with new color scheme, better connected hearts design, better modern fonts, more modern, friendly and inviting looking.
- Do not use the exact same heart design in the sample. This is why I'm looking for re-branding...lol!!!
- Please keep in mind the color scheme options. No no yellow!!! Please follow instructions. Thanks
- Please keep in mind that the same exact heart design is NOT NOT going to win the contest.
- I am also open to seeing designs with a subtle modern cross embedded in the heart design.
- If you are going to include a cross, the cross should NOT be the focus. The heart is the focus...if including a cross do so subtly.
- The cross is not a requirement. But would like to explore....
- Please do not submit an image on google search. Some designers are doing this...
- It's going to be a tough decision...I received several very nice designs that fit nicely with our branding and values.
- We are overwhelmed with the nice designs.
Open design concept stage had ended with 248 submissions from 55 designers. Go to DESIGNS tab to view all submissions.