- $199
- 57
- Logo Name:
- HomeTOWN Realty
- Company Intro:
- Houston Real Estate
- Instructions:
- HomeTOWN Realty HOUSTON SKYLINE a must with small NASA space ship going up behind Orange/Dark Blue or Black/White/Gold Let your creative mind run with style (retro, modern, classic) Houston’s nickname is H-TOWN so spinning off that.
Reference Samples:
- H
- HPlease also add houston skyline to images for some variation
- HThis design stands out to me. Changes I would make, instead of the home/mountain above words, it would be houston skyline. HomeTOWN then under Realty. No images under Realty so we could add agents names. Play with variations in fonts. Colors, orange, dark blue and white. See this colors attached.
- HWe would love to see a variation of this image. The building be navy, background is white, but the glow from building is orange. Then adding HomeTOWN Realty under.
- H
Open design concept stage had ended with 57 submissions from 20 designers. Go to DESIGNS tab to view all submissions.