JAG Viper logo

visited this project
2 months ago
Customers and employees to advertise, metal siding fab company
  • Design Brief3 months ago
    Logo Name:
    JAG Viper logo
    Company Intro:
    Customers and employees to advertise, metal siding fab company
    Will go on a dark shirt, JAG logo is green silver and black viper can be silver black, maybe some gold in there like viper pic. Theme and saying is Welcome (on top of logo) to The Jungle (below the logo) want the eyes and an open mouth viper snake, mouth and teeth below the logo, Viper image behind the logo, "Animalistic" not cartoonish,
    JAG color.pdf

    Reference Samples:

  • M
    Mark3 months ago
    none of these are good, the eyes need to be in the spot I provided in 9966 file. leave the logo just as it is, DON'T CHANGE IT. with the open mouth and teeth below the logo. the images are too cartoonish, need more real looking like the templmagen jpg file I provided - see what else can be created. Thanks
  • DreamLogoDesign selected as finalist!2 months ago
  • Design Concepts Completed2 months ago

    Open design concept stage had ended with 67 submissions from 19 designers. Go to DESIGNS tab to view all submissions.

    #68 by BlessedGraphic
    #66 by jaize
    #64 by ruki
    #63 by KDesigns
    #62 by Febriyani
    #60 by LogoQueen
    #59 by yondi
    #56 by DreamLogoDesign
    #52 by Rahul Biswas
    #32 by mikael
    #31 by Right Light
    #27 by Fear
    #17 by Gilate
    #13 by berkah271
    #8 by one
    #5 by oke2angconcept
    #4 by Bright Ritchil
    #2 by andayani*
    #1 by Ssam
    ALL 67 Designs >
  • Design #56 by DreamLogoDesign is declared WINNER!2 months ago