I Think God For Country Music

visited this project
a month ago
This is a song title that I want to put in the back of a bus. The bus you wil see in the picture is multicolor and it will go up near the top, so it will have to match as well as be seen
  • Design Brief9 months ago
    Logo Name
    I Think God For Country Music
    Company Intro
    This is a song title that I want to put in the back of a bus. The bus you wil see in the picture is multicolor and it will go up near the top, so it will have to match as well as be seen
    Music sign, guitars “ I Thank God for country music. It can be 36”-42” wide rather the height not be to large to cover up the beauty of the bus the artist is Clay Aery Would like to have his name very. Small under it 1/2” or 1/8 “ under the words. It’s not his bus, don’t Ed t to draw attention to him. But recognize that this is his song. Maybe we css as n just do his logo very very small see if photos, more of a lettered decal than a picture graphic.

    Reference Samples

  • LogoQueen selected as finalist!9 months ago
  • Design Concepts Completed8 months ago

    Open design concept stage had ended with 86 submissions from 14 designers. Go to DESIGNS tab to view all submissions.

    #88 by LogoQueen
    #64 by Sami Ur Rab
    #61 by ruki
    #60 by design_brush
    #58 by ekitessar
    #57 by Snapp
    #56 by MUSANG
    #54 by KDesigns
    #49 by invento
    #48 by Gilate
    #40 by DreamLogoDesign
    #36 by Rahul Biswas
    #14 by Koushik
    #2 by oke2angconcept
    ALL 86 Designs >
  • Design #88 by LogoQueen is declared WINNER!8 months ago
    #88 by LogoQueen