New Generational Blueprint

visited this project
7 months ago
History of Quality Services New Generational Blue Print, LLC (NGBP) is a family and youth-focused entity, created to help propel individuals towards a higher potential, by widening their perspective of themselves and connecting them to their community. Our team dedicates passion towards life coaching, character development, creative activities/projects, and positive social interaction. All members display a range of experience, contributing skills not only, in education, behavior/socio-emotional development, parenting education, domestic violence education, community awareness services, but also working with families, children with disabilities and special needs, and at-risk youth within the Child Welfare System. The Chief Executive Officer and Chief Operating Officer exhibit over 25 years of service and extensive knowledge in the Social Service industry, assisting families and youth with positively changing their current circumstances. Both Directors currently serve families and youth within the DCS system, and continue to create and implement youth programs at, The Factory-D1 Indy (Division 1 Training Facility), located in Speedway, and current office located near the downtown Indianapolis area. A history of contributing programs have executed successfully within: 1) Community - Centers/Gyms (such as life skills, career awareness, and community engagement/projects) 2) Churches (such as leading rites of passage programs and confidence building workshops), 3) Domestic Violence Shelters (such as Women Empowerment Workshops 4) Residential facilities (such as character development activities/projects) 5) Family homes (such has home-base casework and mentoring) 6) Indianapolis school system (such as leading young men/women empowerment groups, communicating with parent/teacher as IEP advocates for educators and parent liaisons, teaching life skills, and career awareness.).
  • Design Brief8 months ago
    Logo Name:
    New Generational Blueprint
    Company Intro:
    History of Quality Services New Generational Blue Print, LLC (NGBP) is a family and youth-focused entity, created to help propel individuals towards a higher potential, by widening their perspective of themselves and connecting them to their community. Our team dedicates passion towards life coaching, character development, creative activities/projects, and positive social interaction. All members display a range of experience, contributing skills not only, in education, behavior/socio-emotional development, parenting education, domestic violence education, community awareness services, but also working with families, children with disabilities and special needs, and at-risk youth within the Child Welfare System. The Chief Executive Officer and Chief Operating Officer exhibit over 25 years of service and extensive knowledge in the Social Service industry, assisting families and youth with positively changing their current circumstances. Both Directors currently serve families and youth within the DCS system, and continue to create and implement youth programs at, The Factory-D1 Indy (Division 1 Training Facility), located in Speedway, and current office located near the downtown Indianapolis area. A history of contributing programs have executed successfully within: 1) Community - Centers/Gyms (such as life skills, career awareness, and community engagement/projects) 2) Churches (such as leading rites of passage programs and confidence building workshops), 3) Domestic Violence Shelters (such as Women Empowerment Workshops 4) Residential facilities (such as character development activities/projects) 5) Family homes (such has home-base casework and mentoring) 6) Indianapolis school system (such as leading young men/women empowerment groups, communicating with parent/teacher as IEP advocates for educators and parent liaisons, teaching life skills, and career awareness.).
    These colors are what we want
    Designer 6.png
    Designer 16.png
  • iffikhan selected as finalist!8 months ago
  • Sami Ur Rab selected as finalist!8 months ago
  • Design Concepts Completed8 months ago

    Open design concept stage had ended with 47 submissions from 11 designers. Go to DESIGNS tab to view all submissions.

  • Design #45 by iffikhan is declared WINNER!8 months ago
    #45 by iffikhan