- $129
- 159
- Logo Name:
- MetaDad
- Company Intro:
- Please review this link to get information on the metadad program: https://itsfatherhood.org/
- Instructions:
- Initially the man on the homepage below was metadad but looking to go in a different direction so would like some creativity. You can message me at @iamfatherhood if you have questions.
- Hello Superiors, what is the status of MetaDad logo and Brochure
- Am I not reading this correctly. What are the brand assets that are included?
- I know you are busy but When can we finalize this project?
- I like these fonts. Can you give me more options to choose so we can finalize today?
Open design concept stage had ended with 159 submissions from 36 designers. Go to DESIGNS tab to view all submissions.