TTB Media & Consulting Inc.

visited this project
7 months ago
We are a marketing agency and business consulting that specializes in providing services to cheerleading and recreational gyms (tumbling, parkour, dance, etc.). As marketers and gym owners ourselves, we understand the exact needs of these businesses. We offer paid media, email marketing, business consulting, training, and more to help gym owners and their gyms grow and thrive. Our target market is: Cheerleading gym and recreational gym owners in Canada Females between the ages of 25 to 50 years old Revenue of $500,000 to $1,000,000 per year What keeps them awake at night? Staring at the ceiling They are afraid of not bringing in enough sales or new members to keep fueling their funnel They are angry about not reaching their target market and converting through their current marketing efforts They are frustrated with not having enough time to work on their business, not in their business,and working to continue scaling their business They secretly desire having more success and freedom in their business They are extremely passionate about their business. However, they often compare themselves to other gyms in their area or in their industry that are larger. They do have specific language and jargon that they use. They visit IASF, their provincial body organizations, and sport-specific pages like choreographers, conferences, online training opportunities, and drills Their day typically starts in mid-morning and ends late at night. You'll find them at the gym coaching, doing administrative tasks, and talking to staff members. The dominant emotion they experience is fear. Subsequent emotions include scared and nervous. Teritary emotions include worried, anxious, panicked, and frightened. They crave freedom and peace. Freedom in their business, daily lives, and financially so they can do the things they like and can scale the business. They crave peace so they are sleeping better, taking time with their children and families, and knowing their bills are covered.
All Submissions319
#359 by Rainbow07 $99
#358 by Rainbow07 $99
#357 by Rainbow07
#355 by Rainbow07 $99
#351 by Rainbow07 $99
#338 by pionsign $99
#337 by REDCROW $99
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#334 by REDCROW $99
#333 by REDCROW $99
#332 by REDCROW $99
#331 by REDCROW $99
#330 by REDCROW $99
#329 by REDCROW $99
#328 by REDCROW $99
#320 by subrata $99
#319 by jonggol $99
#318 by subrata $99
#317 by subrata $99
#316 by joni $99
#315 by joni $99
#314 by subrata $99
#313 by subrata $99
#311 by asyqh $99
#310 by asyqh $99
#309 by asyqh $99
#308 by asyqh $99
#307 by usef44 $99
#306 by axel182 $99
#305 by axel182 $99
#304 by axel182 $99
#303 by Nnoepran $99
#302 by axel182 $99
#300 by axel182 $99
#297 by axel182 $99
#296 by axel182 $99
#295 by Snapp $99
#294 by Snapp $99
#293 by Snapp $99
#283 by done $99
#282 by done $99
#279 by cintoko $99
#278 by cintoko $99
#277 by cintoko $99
#276 by valace $99
#275 by m8moreo
#274 by m8moreo
#273 by m8moreo
#272 by m8moreo
#271 by m8moreo
#270 by m8moreo
#264 by MUSANG $99
#263 by MUSANG $99
#262 by Aalvin $99
#261 by MUSANG $99
#260 by Aalvin $99
#259 by MUSANG $99
#256 by Ariza Mauliza $99
#255 by Ariza Mauliza $99
#254 by Ariza Mauliza $99
#253 by Ariza Mauliza $99
#252 by Ariza Mauliza $99
#251 by Ariza Mauliza $99
#250 by Ariza Mauliza $99
#249 by Ariza Mauliza $99
#244 by sndezzo $99
#243 by sndezzo $99
#237 by YONK $99
#230 by Girly $99
#225 by haidar $99
#224 by jafar $99
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#222 by jafar $99
#221 by Gwerth $99
#220 by Gwerth $99
#219 by Gwerth $99
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#217 by jaize $99
#216 by jaize $99
#215 by Euto $99
#214 by Euto $99
#213 by Graphico Ali $99
#208 by siti fajar $99
#195 by jandu $99
#194 by jandu $99
#193 by M Fariid $99
#192 by M Fariid $99
#191 by M Fariid $99
#190 by M Fariid $99
#189 by M Fariid $99
#188 by iffikhan $99
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#140 by ndaru $99
#139 by ndaru $99
#138 by ndaru $99
#137 by ndaru $99
#136 by Euto $99
#135 by Euto $99
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#124 by ragnar $99
#123 by Koushik $99
#122 by Koushik $99
#121 by Koushik $99
#120 by ragnar $99
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#100 by Bima $99
#99 by Bima $99
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#79 by tania $99
#75 by Riyana $99
#74 by Riyana $99
#73 by Riyana $99
#72 by Riyana $99
#71 by Riyana $99
#67 by Vins $99
#65 by Vins $99
#64 by Vins $99
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#60 by kaylee $99
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#57 by Garmos $99
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#53 by Garmos $99
#52 by qonaah $99
#47 by alby $99
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#44 by tejo $99
#42 by alby $99
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#39 by rizuki $99
#38 by rizuki $99
#34 by jancok $99
#27 by IM.ART $99
#26 by IM.ART $99
#25 by IM.ART $99
#24 by IM.ART $99
#23 by BeeOne $99
#21 by BeeOne $99