We would like the word Taboo and the number 50

visited this project
4 months ago
30-60 yr old The logo is for a Tulum themed 50th bday party Recreating the club taboo for party We want to create a logo using the word tulum and the number 50 If the bday boys name could be incorporated somehow, his name is rich
  • Design Brief7 months ago
    Logo Name:
    We would like the word Taboo and the number 50
    Company Intro:
    30-60 yr old The logo is for a Tulum themed 50th bday party Recreating the club taboo for party We want to create a logo using the word tulum and the number 50 If the bday boys name could be incorporated somehow, his name is rich
    Black and white Can incorporate some tulum/mexican imagery if want to spice it up but need the word taboo and 50 should be in the logo could even use a palm leaf as they will be incorporated throughout maybe a snake maybe fire or clase azul bottle
  • L
    Lori SchwartxLori Schwartz7 months ago
    Here are some things we are looked at but feel like we are not quite there yet Looking to be kind of kitchy too
  • done selected as finalist!7 months ago
  • Design Concepts Completed7 months ago

    Open design concept stage had ended with 68 submissions from 20 designers. Go to DESIGNS tab to view all submissions.

    #68 by joni
    #66 by Sami Ur Rab
    #64 by done
    #63 by aura
    #62 by paulwaterfall
    #61 by jaize
    #58 by ekitessar
    #56 by Crushboysourav
    #54 by Gwerth
    #50 by Valiant
    #46 by GURUARTS
    #45 by Gilate
    #40 by Ariza Mauliza
    #29 by Koushik
    #27 by cintoko
    #26 by Ttwenty4
    #21 by Garmos
    #14 by Neng Khusna
    #9 by DADA007
    #8 by aryamaity
    ALL 68 Designs >
  • Design #64 by done is declared WINNER!7 months ago
    #64 by done