
visited this project
5 months ago
LoyaltiApp is a mobile marketing company that helps small businesses such as restaurants, coffee shops, juice bars and other high-traffic brick and mortar businesses communicate with their customers via text. Their service provides these types of businesses with a kiosk, keyword campaigns and a loyalty program where they can text directly to their customers giving rewards for visiting their stores.
  • Design Brief6 months ago
    Logo Name:
    Company Intro:
    LoyaltiApp is a mobile marketing company that helps small businesses such as restaurants, coffee shops, juice bars and other high-traffic brick and mortar businesses communicate with their customers via text. Their service provides these types of businesses with a kiosk, keyword campaigns and a loyalty program where they can text directly to their customers giving rewards for visiting their stores.
    This client would like a clean and professional, color logo. The color scheme should be green, white and red. The client is leaving the concept wide open, but the most obvious concepts could include text bubbles, smartphones, messaging and connecting but open to other ideas as well.

    Reference Samples:

  • BeeOne selected as finalist!6 months ago
  • D
    Dan McDonald5 months ago
    Sorry for the long delay. I heard back from this client and he wants to see a couple more changes. Working on #128, can you make either "LOYALTI" bolder or make "APP" lighter in weight to better distinguish between the two? Also, can you remove the hairlines at the top and the bottom? I attached an image with those areas circled. He also asked to make the dark color more navy. I looked up Navy and it is defined as #000080. Maybe don't go all the way to that color, but get closer to that color, somewhere in the middle, like #0d1f68? Whatever you think looks best for that color. Thanks so much!
  • Design Concepts Completed5 months ago

    Open design concept stage had ended with 131 submissions from 34 designers. Go to DESIGNS tab to view all submissions.

    #133 by BeeOne
    #125 by navneet
    #116 by joni
    #108 by jaize
    #106 by usef44
    #104 by CreativeKiller
    #98 by Sami Ur Rab
    #94 by jandu
    #79 by ora_creative
    #78 by banaspati
    #74 by Nnoepran
    #71 by rakuten
    #66 by Gwerth
    #63 by goblin
    #62 by Osama Salem
    #59 by ansh
    #55 by uttam
    #53 by ragnar
    #51 by fastIokay
    #49 by arifrijalbiasa
    #44 by Koushik
    #41 by siti fajar
    #37 by Mr_Undho
    #35 by oindrila chakraborty
    #30 by Crushboysourav
    #26 by cintoko
    #25 by Aalvin
    #24 by bigboss
    #19 by zegeningen
    #15 by iffikhan
    #6 by MariusCC
    #4 by Valiant
    #3 by azizah
    #2 by dewipadi
    ALL 131 Designs >
  • Design #133 by BeeOne is declared WINNER!5 months ago
    #133 by BeeOne