Precision Powerwash Solutions LLC

visited this project
4 days ago
We specialize in power washing concrete dumpster pads or dumpster storage areas for restaurants and commercial properties (As well as concrete walkways). We utilize high pressure water jet guns and surface cleaners with acidic chemicals to remove all grease and debris embedded in the concrete and on dumpsters.
  • Design Brief16 days ago
    Logo Name:
    Precision Powerwash Solutions LLC
    Company Intro:
    We specialize in power washing concrete dumpster pads or dumpster storage areas for restaurants and commercial properties (As well as concrete walkways). We utilize high pressure water jet guns and surface cleaners with acidic chemicals to remove all grease and debris embedded in the concrete and on dumpsters.
    We were thinking of a more animated artwork style. Possibly a bandit or gunslinger holding a pressure washing gun aiming down field toward a dumpster. Outside of the pressure washing gun bubbles shooting toward the dumpster. On the dumpster we would like crosshair marking indicating the gun aiming at it and shimmers on the dumpster showing that it is clean. This is just a slight idea, we are open to complete changes if any other designs come out really well. We are trying to avoid a completely corporate look with simple bubble letters and washing guns as we have seen and want this logo to peak peoples interest in what we do. We want this design to be imaginative and capture peoples attention. The attached image of the bandit is the style artwork we think would look good. For reference there is also an image of the pressure washing gun style we will be using and the type of dumpsters we deal with. Thank you!
    pressure washer gun .jpg
  • C
    Client6007515 days ago
    We are not looking for SOLELY text art for the company name. While this does look good we would like the text art incorporated into the artwork as described in the instructions. thank you.
  • Gilate selected as finalist!13 days ago
  • mawanmalvin selected as finalist!13 days ago
  • C
    Client6007513 days ago
    Screenshot 2024-09-04 132205.png
  • Design Concepts Completed10 days ago

    Open design concept stage had ended with 121 submissions from 25 designers. Go to DESIGNS tab to view all submissions.

    #123 by Gilate
    #122 by mawanmalvin
    #111 by planoLOGO
    #108 by MUSANG
    #107 by joni
    #102 by navneet
    #94 by Kruger
    #93 by Sami Ur Rab
    #92 by Charii
    #89 by design_brush
    #87 by Gwerth
    #84 by ragnar
    #79 by creativehue
    #78 by Bananalicious
    #74 by jandu
    #67 by Crushboysourav
    #62 by DreamLogoDesign
    #59 by Ssam
    #58 by LogoQueen
    #56 by senja03
    #45 by IamSoya
    #40 by cintoko
    #27 by Artomoro
    #17 by uttam
    #12 by iffikhan
    ALL 121 Designs >
  • Design #123 by Gilate is declared WINNER!10 days ago
    #123 by Gilate