Somalia Food Systems Resilience Project (S-FSRP)

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a month ago
Somalia's agriculture and Livestock sector has enormous potential that, if fully harnessed, can play a critical role in the country’s economic recovery and development. Large, underutilized zed tracts of land can be found in Somalia; these lands have fertile alluvial soils for staple cereals, oil seeds, legumes, and horticulture crops that can support both more efficient production and an expanded cultivated area for domestic and export markets, having reliable access to adequate, safe, and nutritious food while contributing to enhancing rural livelihoods and healthy ecosystems. While priority is given to medium-term investments, Phase 3 of the Program (“S-FSRP Project”) also offers short-term support in case of a deteriorating food security situation. Project activities are designed to empower women and youth. The Somalia Food Systems Resilience Program (FSRP) is part of a regional initiative by the World Bank to provide a comprehensive framework for intervention at both the national and regional levels. This Multi-phase Programmatic Approach (MPA) aims to tackle the underlying structural challenges of food insecurity and reduce beneficiaries' vulnerability to unpredictable climate, crisis, and conflict events. It seeks to achieve this by rejuvenating Somalia's agri-livestock research institutions, seed systems, and extension services and developing community institutions that can anchor adaptation of climate-smart agri-livestock practices, strengthening the availability of water and improved rangelands management for resilient agriculture and livestock production; strengthen animal health services, strengthening the integration of the production systems to domestic and regional markets, with appropriate investments in food safety and value addition, and establishing an enabling policy and institutional framework at sub-national, national and regional level capable of supporting food systems resilience for Somalia. The S-FSRP is Somalia's flagship for the World Bank-financed on agricultural & Livestock sector. It focuses on food systems, building resilience, enhancing the capacity of government institutions, and improving food security and economic growth.
  • Design Brief7 months ago
    Logo Name
    Somalia Food Systems Resilience Project (S-FSRP)
    Company Intro
    Somalia's agriculture and Livestock sector has enormous potential that, if fully harnessed, can play a critical role in the country’s economic recovery and development. Large, underutilized zed tracts of land can be found in Somalia; these lands have fertile alluvial soils for staple cereals, oil seeds, legumes, and horticulture crops that can support both more efficient production and an expanded cultivated area for domestic and export markets, having reliable access to adequate, safe, and nutritious food while contributing to enhancing rural livelihoods and healthy ecosystems. While priority is given to medium-term investments, Phase 3 of the Program (“S-FSRP Project”) also offers short-term support in case of a deteriorating food security situation. Project activities are designed to empower women and youth. The Somalia Food Systems Resilience Program (FSRP) is part of a regional initiative by the World Bank to provide a comprehensive framework for intervention at both the national and regional levels. This Multi-phase Programmatic Approach (MPA) aims to tackle the underlying structural challenges of food insecurity and reduce beneficiaries' vulnerability to unpredictable climate, crisis, and conflict events. It seeks to achieve this by rejuvenating Somalia's agri-livestock research institutions, seed systems, and extension services and developing community institutions that can anchor adaptation of climate-smart agri-livestock practices, strengthening the availability of water and improved rangelands management for resilient agriculture and livestock production; strengthen animal health services, strengthening the integration of the production systems to domestic and regional markets, with appropriate investments in food safety and value addition, and establishing an enabling policy and institutional framework at sub-national, national and regional level capable of supporting food systems resilience for Somalia. The S-FSRP is Somalia's flagship for the World Bank-financed on agricultural & Livestock sector. It focuses on food systems, building resilience, enhancing the capacity of government institutions, and improving food security and economic growth.
    The Project will focus on Agricultural, Livestock, Environmental, and Rangeland Management, and the base of the logo should contain for the Government of Somalia,
  • Esoula selected as finalist!7 months ago
  • RLRL selected as finalist!7 months ago
  • Design Concepts Completed7 months ago

    Open design concept stage had ended with 122 submissions from 32 designers. Go to DESIGNS tab to view all submissions.

    #132 by RLRL
    #128 by Esoula
    #122 by nexgen
    #121 by paulwaterfall
    #120 by banaspati
    #119 by labo
    #116 by joni
    #115 by navneet
    #97 by YONK
    #96 by Sami Ur Rab
    #93 by rizuki
    #92 by Rainbow07
    #89 by DreamLogoDesign
    #85 by ansh
    #81 by jaize
    #78 by jandu
    #70 by oindrila chakraborty
    #63 by FaniLa
    #60 by MRANTASI
    #54 by Snapp
    #51 by Gwerth
    #48 by MariusCC
    #46 by Koushik
    #43 by IamSoya
    #40 by Muhamad Rifki
    #38 by Osama Salem
    #36 by hopee
    #35 by Crushboysourav
    #25 by vuunex
    #24 by bigboss
    #21 by dewipadi
    #13 by iffikhan
    ALL 122 Designs >
  • Design #131 by RLRL is declared WINNER!7 months ago
    #131 by RLRL