Echo Base Advisory

visited this project
a month ago
Provides advisory services to senior technology, private equity and venture capital executives
  • Design Briefa month ago
    Logo Name:
    Echo Base Advisory
    Company Intro:
    Provides advisory services to senior technology, private equity and venture capital executives
    I am a massive Star Wars fan - the "Echo Base" name references a base on a snowy, mountainous planet in one of the early movies. The logo will represent my consulting business, which is focused on technology companies and private equity/investment firms. I would like an abstract reference to the Star Wars base in the logo - the first image in the mood board does this well but is too obvious. the snowy mountains and technical hardware (generator, steel door, dish with antenna - no guns pls!) convey this well. The abstract "Hoth" image on the final page is good as well, and the large, round Ion cannon on several of the images can be a key feature. The logo needs to have a nerdy/sci-fi feel that conveys strength and isn't cartoonish. My target clients will be senior, high ego but nerdy executives. They need to take me seriously but will appreciate my nod to a sci-fi classic.
    Echo Base_Logo mood board.pdf
  • IamSoya selected as finalist!a month ago
  • iffikhan selected as finalist!a month ago
  • Design Concepts Completeda month ago

    Open design concept stage had ended with 78 submissions from 20 designers. Go to DESIGNS tab to view all submissions.

    #78 by iffikhan
    #75 by salim
    #66 by jaize
    #63 by BlessedGraphic
    #62 by Sami Ur Rab
    #58 by surya
    #56 by Bright Ritchil
    #51 by mawanmalvin
    #50 by Artomoro
    #48 by luckyprasetyo
    #46 by Charii
    #45 by Nadine Gharbi
    #44 by nusa
    #43 by Rahul Biswas
    #37 by Koushik
    #34 by Crushboysourav
    #26 by IamSoya
    #23 by biaggong
    #3 by Ssam
    #1 by giphone
    ALL 78 Designs >
  • Design #78 by iffikhan is declared WINNER!a month ago
    #78 by iffikhan