- $199
- 343
- Logo Name:
- Girl Bomb Golf
- Company Intro:
- Golf Instruction, Golf Apparel and YouTube promoting website. Primary users will be golfers between the ages of 40-46 years old.
- Instructions:
- Girl Golf Games (golfgirlgames.com....we love their logo). MeAndMyGolf.com is the website most like the site we are building. We want the logo to be a simplistic /classy "GBG" (GirlBombGolf) layout. We will be heavily using the GBG as a Logo on apparel.
Reference Samples:
- Feel free to email me with any questions you may have. -Eric conard.eric@gmail.com
- Ages of Golfers will be 40-60 years old.
Open design concept stage had ended with 343 submissions from 71 designers. Go to DESIGNS tab to view all submissions.