- $149
- 51
- Design Name:
- Logo File:
- Instructions:
- All materials should use the attached logo and color pallet for equity culture center: Business card w/ basic information: Janerick Holmes, pronouns: He, Him, His,Executive Director, Equity Culture Center, Janerick@equityculturecenter.org, Brooklyn, NY 646-406-6892 w/ logo on business cards. Same details for the letter head. Address and Logo only on envelope. For the power point deck I need a full deck of slides with an intro slide w/ logo, transition slide w/ logo, end slide w/ logo, presenter introduction slide w/ logo and a general white slide w/ header space and logo at the bottom. I'm including a link to a sample slide deck template:https://equityculturecenter-my.sharepoint.com/:u:/g/personal/janerick_equityculturecenter_onmicrosoft_com/EQitwbhNhOpBqBlILA7jFssBMppKIC9VBJ10zjs3xhhJ5w?e=lnp1Ms. I need slides that same size (widescreen 16:9) with similar components but all with my logo and my color palette
Business cardLetterhead & envelopePowerPointNote: Based on the design concepts submitted, Contest holder will select 1 winning designer to complete ALL selected brand identities
Open design concept stage had ended with 51 submissions from 4 designers. Go to DESIGNS tab to view all submissions.