- $129
- 209
- Logo Name:
- Healy Medical
- Company Intro:
- Performing disability evaluations for those who have been injured in car accidents or at work, etc. Target audience is lawyers and insurance companies who do worker's compensation or personal injury.
- Instructions:
- Logo: no specific ideas, simple and professional. Business card (front): logo Business card (back): In large font at top - Colson Healy, DO, CIME, CIRS In medium font in the middle (bulleted?) - Certified Independent Medical Examiner; Certified Impairment Rating Specialist In smaller font at the bottom - P: 702-419-1555 F: 702-285-2255; E: contact@healymed.com
Reference Samples:
Open design concept stage had ended with 209 submissions from 43 designers. Go to DESIGNS tab to view all submissions.