
visited this project
4 months ago
YouTube channel focused on playing popular computer games. Teaching audience how to beat levels for certain games, tricks visually they will be watching the game while I play and talk. Once in a while, my brother will join once I get a following and we would play the game together for some fun playful back-and-forth for the audience to watch us play, but also hear us bicker back-and-forth and make jokes…. Want to be just like MrBeast super successful and branch out later with another channel to do other types of things once I get a successful following. Philanthropy, etc..
  • Design Brief5 months ago
    Logo Name
    Company Intro
    YouTube channel focused on playing popular computer games. Teaching audience how to beat levels for certain games, tricks visually they will be watching the game while I play and talk. Once in a while, my brother will join once I get a following and we would play the game together for some fun playful back-and-forth for the audience to watch us play, but also hear us bicker back-and-forth and make jokes…. Want to be just like MrBeast super successful and branch out later with another channel to do other types of things once I get a successful following. Philanthropy, etc..
    Love Monopoly and winning, which comes naturally ;) The monopoly main character is a great representation of being successful -he’s always wearing cool outfits with money all over the place. Was thinking of having the monopoly guy be in the logo as the focal point but want the following: Colorful and vibrant and unique, Alec Monopoly the artist does really cool twist on the monopoly guy in his artwork, which is the direction I’d like to head in Include him with a style of being a successful gamer like I want to be somehow include that in his design Would like to see his face as close to what it is so people can identify who he is, but open to seeing ideas if someone could create a gamer, Monopoly guy with a mixture of Minecraft in Roblox as his head - But first would like to see him as a fun, vibrant, colorful, computer gamer I’d like to see what my logo would look like in the design but not super big just something subtle and blending into the design - so it flows
  • navneet selected as finalist!5 months ago
  • Bright Ritchil selected as finalist!5 months ago
  • Design Concepts Completed5 months ago

    Open design concept stage had ended with 128 submissions from 43 designers. Go to DESIGNS tab to view all submissions.

    #133 by Bright Ritchil
    #132 by Snapp
    #131 by Gwerth
    #127 by Sami Ur Rab
    #124 by XenaArt
    #117 by salim
    #107 by scania
    #106 by veron
    #105 by Carli
    #104 by IamSoya
    #100 by clayjensen
    #99 by mjmdesigns
    #92 by jaize
    #87 by navneet
    #79 by Graphico Ali
    #77 by iffikhan
    #66 by Charii
    #60 by cikiyunn
    #59 by Suparna
    #55 by goblin
    #54 by deva
    #53 by Aldabu
    #52 by sigorip
    #51 by surya
    #49 by veter
    #48 by AB212
    #47 by czars
    #46 by Rahul Biswas
    #41 by Crushboysourav
    #36 by MAXR
    #35 by superiors
    #32 by graphica
    #31 by Koushik
    #28 by azizah
    #27 by ragnar
    #25 by Bananalicious
    #20 by FuArt
    #12 by Artomoro
    #11 by RLRL
    #6 by dasam
    #4 by Diponegoro_
    #2 by rizuki
    #1 by csnrlab
    ALL 128 Designs >
  • Design #88 by Bright Ritchil is declared WINNER!5 months ago
    #88 by Bright Ritchil