- $129
- 125
- Logo Name:
- Papas and Fries
- Company Intro:
- I will be selling loaded fries . I have to target audience at festivals so my age group is between 12-30 year old olds
- Instructions:
- I have in mind 2 French fries two french fries holding hands with gooly eyes the fries are really cute they look kind and happy I would like to stand out so much to have a lot of vibrant colors a really pretty yellow and The food truck will have the fries jumping into a puddle of ketchup. Some ideas I have is Sponge bob shoes Nothing to unprofessional this design will go on everything
Reference Samples:
- LHi can we use brighter colors I’m seeing a lot of sad colors
Open design concept stage had ended with 125 submissions from 23 designers. Go to DESIGNS tab to view all submissions.