- $199
- 232
- Logo Name:
- CigarLifestyles
- Company Intro:
- Cigar Lifestyles is the premier online directory dedicated to the global community of cigar enthusiasts. Designed for those who seek the finest cigar stores and lounges worldwide, our platform is the ultimate resource for discovering and exploring the best cigar destinations. Whether you’re a seasoned aficionado or new to the world of cigars, Cigar Lifestyles connects you with a vast and comprehensive network of establishments, allowing you to easily locate, contact, and delve into the unique offerings of each venue. Our members enjoy the ability to share their personal experiences by leaving reviews, fostering a vibrant community of like-minded cigar lovers. These reviews not only enhance the community experience but also provide valuable insights for fellow enthusiasts on their journey to find the perfect smoke. For businesses, Cigar Lifestyles offers a powerful platform to showcase their offerings with detailed descriptions and imagery, ensuring they stand out in the competitive cigar market. By partnering with us, businesses can reach a targeted audience of discerning cigar lovers, driving engagement and growth. At Cigar Lifestyles, we are committed to enhancing your cigar journey, one smoke at a time.
- Instructions:
- This was my original logo. Unfortunately due to trademark issues I can not have a separation in between the words. CigarLifestyles has to be designed as one word in the logo. Consider luxury colors, simple marks. Looking for a versatile logo. Has a style and luxury look to it, but can also be branded on apparel. Think CigarSnob, Cigar Afacionado, cigar & spirits. I also would like some flexibilty with the logo where the CL have a design of its own
Reference Samples:
Open design concept stage had ended with 232 submissions from 47 designers. Go to DESIGNS tab to view all submissions.