- $149
- 41
- Design Name:
- MAJSTOR IGOR plumbing services
- Logo File:
- Instructions:
- Bisones card- nothing much.Regular.Business cards should have a logo and name. The name and information on the card are: Name: Igor Išek mobile phone: +385957763360 email: info@majstorigor.hr WEB SITE HEADER: MOST IMPORTANT IS THAT THE VISUALITY of this is ok with the complete site www.majstorigor.hr AND ESPECIALLY, IT MUST BE OK WHEN LOOKING ON MOBILE SITES. THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT.
Business cardweb site headerNote: Based on the design concepts submitted, Contest holder will select 1 winning designer to complete ALL selected brand identities
- Hello, Note: 1. Landing page must not been copy of hydrogen.hr 2. Very important : call button and contact us button below must stay on this position. It is important that this is something which customer see on 1 page when open website on mobile phone. It can be change in design. But position must stay. Please see image in attachment 3. Please remove plumber guy from site 4. Use only logo and variations of items on logo to create landing page
Open design concept stage had ended with 41 submissions from 5 designers. Go to DESIGNS tab to view all submissions.