- $299
- 254
- Logo Name:
- Pe Erre
- Company Intro:
- The entire concept is a Domino game social club Pe Erre ( Means Puerto Rico Community in Chicago) Domino Club Chicago. The target audience is existing Dominoes league, players and to create the next generation of new Domino players.
- Instructions:
- The Chicago Marathon Logo is only for reference. It is trending and the Chicago skyline looks great. The Pe Erre Domino Club Chicago is the Logo that I need to create. It will be a social club and different Domino players will be members of the Club. Must have the Chicago Puerto Rico Flag ( in the photo), Pe Erre, Domino Club Chicago, few Dominos tile and the skyline.
- La Familia Domino League Logo is just for reference. That is an existing Domino League in Chicago. I can be contact at mvelez@brightwhiteservices.com or 872-335-1073
- The Logo must have the Puerto Rico flag that we have in Chicago . See photo, The Chicago Skyline, Domino Club Chicago and few Dominos tile, I need a cute, modern and trending Logo. Just like the Chicago Marathon Logo
- Please use the Pe Erre Flag Attached. That is the Puerto Rico flag at the Paseo Boricua in Chicago. Please do not use the regular Puerto Rico Flag
Open design concept stage had ended with 254 submissions from 33 designers. Go to DESIGNS tab to view all submissions.