- $299
- 540
- Logo Name:
- Fit Center Sliedrecht
- Company Intro:
- We already have a business called CrossFit Sliedrecht with 300 members between 20-50 years old. We mainly give group classes with CrossFit lessons. Now, we are expanding our gym are expanding to a new audience with an egym fitness circle: automated fitness machines, mainly used for non-movers and people aged between 45-75 years old. With fit center sliedrecht we offer an extra sports possibility in a separate room at the current location of crossfit sliedrecht. Because of the appeal to a new target group we have also given it a separate name. In this room we have fitness equipment of the brand Egym. Egym is a circuit of 8 fitness equipment that is set up based on advanced software. EGYM offers athletes both preventive and curative support, because training programs and settings are automatically created and recorded on all equipment. This is done on the basis of strength tests, measurements and personal goals. Guided training with EGYM is simple, effective and motivating. Egym is often used by non-movers and older people to stay fit and vital. You are ready in 30 minutes. In addition, it can also be used by crossfitters to supplement their current training. These are slightly more luxurious fitness equipment.
- Instructions:
- In the attachment we have added some logos that we like. We would like to have a triangle, square or circle in the logo. It can be a stand-alone logo, but it would be nice if it fits somewhat with our current logo of Crossfit Sliedrecht. For example in terms of color use. We also had the letters C F S come back in the new name F C S (fit center Sliedrecht). However, the new logo may have a slightly tighter/more luxurious yet tough look. Things that we find important in our fitness company are personal attention, setting and achieving goals, a pleasant atmosphere, good and expert guidance, a sense of community, everyone can participate at their own level and innovation. The logo should also be able to be expanded in the future to multiple fitness studios in another place. sliedrecht is the name of our village, so that name should be able to be adjusted for another name in the future. The logo and name Fit Center Sliedrecht should be usable on the website, on social media, marketing material, but also printed on clothing. In addition, we would also like to be able to make professional presentations with the logo, letters and potential icons. Currently used font styles in our business are a combination of dashbird font with bebas font. (creative font with minimalistic/abstract font styles. Creative variations on this may also be used. Prefered colours: black, white, green that matches our current logo of CrossFit Sliedrecht. The logo must be scalable—work in full color, black & white, and be adaptable for both digital & print. Logo Variations Needed: Primary Logo (Full version with text + icon) Icon-Only Version (For small use cases like social media) Black & White Version (For print & alternate branding) File Formats: Vector Files (.AI, .EPS) – For scalability High-Res PNG & JPG – For website & social media Transparent Background Versions If possible, include a mockup of how the logo looks on apparel (t-shirts, hats) to ensure it translates well to merch. See our website and instagram for inspiration: https://www.crossfitsliedrecht.nl Instagram: @crossfit_sliedrecht Examples https://www.48hourslogo.com/contest/118458 https://www.48hourslogo.com/contest/105881 https://www.48hourslogo.com/contest/99448 https://www.48hourslogo.com/contest/87304 https://www.48hourslogo.com/contest/76687 https://www.48hourslogo.com/contest/123794 https://www.48hourslogo.com/contest/137289 https://www.48hourslogo.com/contest/118458 https://www.48hourslogo.com/contest/132672 https://www.48hourslogo.com/contest/132164
Open design concept stage had ended with 540 submissions from 84 designers. Go to DESIGNS tab to view all submissions.